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So, you want to attract some luck at the casino or betting in general? This spell will help you in getting the winning attitude that will attract good luck toward you. You will notice that things will start happening in your favor. It is best to do this spell just before you are about to gamble. It will really get you in the mood! Let the spell work its magic. Avoid the feelings of desperation, maintain a light-hearted attitude while gambling. Make sure that you don’t have any expectations after your spell is complete.


1. If you have a special object that use as a lucky charm, it is a good idea to include it in the presence of your spell. If, however, you don’t have a specific object, you may choose an object that would be associated with your gambling. I.E. a coin, jewelry, a bingo dabber, a pencil, rabbits foot, etc.

2. Collect your lucky number amount of Gold and Silver candles.

3. You need to check out the GEM section in to choose what gems you would like to use to strengthen your spell.

4. Gather incense, flowers, gold or silver fabric to strengthen your spell.

5. Choose your tarot card Images. You must choose the Major Arcana Card “The Star”, “The Wheel of Fortune”, and a card that represents yourself. (3 tarot images in total).

Before you perform your spell

1. This Spell is best performed before you gamble.

2. Prepare yourself psychologically. I.E. Take a relaxing bath, deep breathing, or mediation with or without relaxing music. As you are doing one of these exercises, visualize yourself as a winner. Imagine what it is that you exactly want. Visualization is very important. While you are doing this step, burn a candle or incense.

3. Turn off your phone, etc. Make sure you will not be disturbed during the making of your spell.

4. Set a table where you can lay your tarot card images, your candles, incense, flowers, gems, and lucky charms on a gold or silver cloth. The gold and silver candles are laid in a circular formation around your tarot card images. Everything else is placed around the circle.

The Spell

1. Lay your 3 tarot card images face-up in the center of your gold and silver candle circle. The first card on the left is “The Star”, the center card is the card you choose to represent yourself, and the third card on the right is “The Wheel of Fortune.”

2. Light all of the candles involved in your spell.

3. Place your hands over the first card “The Star.” Visualize yourself surrounded by stars all around you. Imagine that you see a falling star to make your wish upon. Feel the glow of the stars, and feel the heat of the positive energy that you are generating. Imagine yourself as a very lucky gambler, and that you have a positive winning attitude. Imagine yourself winning at your game. You are unbeatable. Hold these images in your mind for at least 8 heartbeats.

4. Place your hands over the center tarot card image that you selected to represent yourself. Meditate on the positive energy that you feel as you have taken all the good luck from the stars. Notice the glow around your hands provided by the candles. Bask in the greatness of the golden power. Repeat “I am a Winner” aloud 3 times. Concentrate on your winning image. Focus on every detail of your win.

5. Place your hands on third tarot card image “The Wheel of Fortune.” This card is the final key to your success. The Wheel of fortune will turn in your favor. Imagine yourself winning big. Imagine yourself getting excited, and imagine your surroundings of your win. Feel the power of winning, and bask in the glory of it all. Hold these images for a minimum of 8 heartbeats. The clearer your images are, the better!

6. Take a hold of your lucky charm. Transform all the power and positive energy into this object. Let the object glow in your hands. Feel this energy, and repeat your visualizations.

7. Repeat aloud with as much feeling as possible the following affirmation.


Let the wealth of gold, and purity of silver

Guide my hands today.

Good fortune to me, and a light-hearted attitude

Is now, on its way.

I am a winner, and I win big

I am the luckiest person that I know.

Fortune is around me, and I can handle

Any Chance that will bestow.

Oh Powers of Great Fortune

Do shine your smile on me!

Luck and Wins are my philosophy!

So Mote it be.

8. Hold your images in your mind for 8 heartbeats.

9. At this point, your spell is closed. Blow out your candles, your incense, etc.

10. Clean up your spell, and don’t dwell on it. It will happen. The spell is in the making, and works well without constant thought.

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